I can’t believe all you have done for me
Healing me with kindness and a love I can feel
Keep far away all trouble and pain
Protect me
Please keep me safe
And may these words that I dare to say
Be your will, my Rock who saves
And always shine on me a generous sun
With wings of light healing me with love
Always shine on me a generous sun
With wings of light healing me with love
Healing me with love
Our lives are a gift of your mercy and delight
Oh generous Lover of Life
But even heartbreak can heal cause in the darkness I find
You near shining love like a light
So always shine on me a generous sun
With wings of light healing me with love
Always shine on me a generous sun
With wings of light healing me with love
Healing me with love
Katonti m’kol hahasadim
Asher aseetah imadee
Harcheik mealai kol tzarah v’tugah
Shomreinee mikol rah
Y’hiyu l’ratzon imrei pi
Tzuri v’goali
V’zarcha li tamid shemesh tzedakah
Umarpheh b’knafehah